
Past Event

EduTech East: The Evolution of Learning

Partner James Kosa will attend EduTech East: The Evolution of Learning, which will be hosted by the Public Sector Network on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.

This conference will highlight and discuss valuable strategies, challenges and new opportunities technologies bring to primary and secondary learning. EduTech East invites educators, ministry officials and key stakeholders to come together and share their experiences, best practices and insights to further the integration of digital solutions into our schools and curriculums.

James will present during "GenAI is here to stay: what now?". This discussion of the implications of generative AI on educators and education systems, including impacts on generation of teaching content, assessment of student work, confidentiality and data privacy concerns, impacts on back office operations of educational institutions, and creating policies and frameworks to guide your organisations into the future.

For more information and to register, click here.

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