WeirFoulds LLP is pleased to once again host an in-person seminar on subrogation claims. Hear the latest legal updates from our subrogation lawyers, as well as leading edge presentations from experts in the engineering and subrogation field.
1. Play it as it Lies, Raj Datt - WeirFoulds LLP. In this presentation Raj will review new and important subrogation related caselaw from across Canada.
2. Water Main Breaks – Are the Cities on the Hook?, Marie-Pier Nadeau - WeirFoulds LLP. Marie-Pier will discuss the cities’ potential liability for the recent catastrophic events in Calgary and Montreal.
3. Failures in Fire Protection Systems - Subrogation Opportunities Beyond the Root Cause Analysis, Eduardo Mari - Origin and Cause. Eduardo will present forensic engineering case studies, which investigate and analyze failures in fire protection systems.
4. Best Practices for Maximizing Recoveries, a panel with Raj Datt, Marie-Pier Nadeau, and Faith Hewitt - Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company. This panel will share valuable insights on how best to assess and advance subrogation claims.
For more information and to register, click here.