WeirFoulds is listed in the Canadian Lawyer Inhouse Top 10 Ontario Regional Firms
WeirFoulds LLP is delighted to announce that we have been listed in the Top 10 Ontario Regional Firms feature in the July/August edition of Canadian Lawyer Inhouse magazine as determined […]
WeirFoulds Congratulates 34 Lawyers for their Recognition in the 2019 Edition of Best Lawyers in Canada
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that 34 of our lawyers have been listed in the 2019 edition of Best Lawyers® in Canada. Included in this list are Partners Clare Burns […]
What You Need to Know – Legislative Updates for Delivery of Health Care in Ontario

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care was exceptionally busy in the last couple of months. The purpose of this bulletin is to provide you an update on some significant initiatives that were completed by the Government as of January 1, 2018 and to make educated guesses on what we might see in the months ahead.
Feds Not Just Blowing Smoke: Recreational Marijuana to be Legal by July 1, 2018
Less than twenty-four hours after being called out by a candidate for the leadership of the NDP, CBC News has reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government plans on introducing legislation in early April 2017 with the intention of legalizing recreational marijuana by July 1, 2018.
According to the CBC report, the new legislation will “broadly follow” the final recommendations of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization, providing landlords and retail marijuana business owners with some clues as to what the final regulatory system will look like.
Don’t Let Your Development Go to Pot! Tips for Leasing to Marijuana Retailers

While anti-drug activists continue to do a slow burn, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is (leisurely) marching forward on carrying out one of its most well-publicized campaign promises: the […]
Sexual Abuse Task Force Recommendations: Why All Professional Regulators Should Pay Attention
On September 9, 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ministry) released the recommendations of the Minister’s Task Force (Task Force) on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Patients […]
The RHPA’s “blanket provision”: protecting professional self-regulatory colleges from human rights complaints
In a recently released decision, Dindial v. College of Nurses[1], the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) dismissed an application by a registered nurse alleging that she was discriminated against […]
WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in 2017 Best Lawyers® in Canada Directory
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that 27 of our lawyers have been listed in the 2017 edition of Best Lawyers® in Canada. WeirFoulds has proudly earned 45 rankings in 21 […]
B.C. Court of Appeal Upholds Regulatory College’s By-laws
The British Columbia Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Sobeys West Inc. v. College of Pharmacists of British Columbia[1] is an important decision for regulators in two respects. First, it recognizes the latitude regulators ought to be given when enacting by-laws. Second, it clarifies the nature of the evidence that regulators will need to provide when their by-laws are challenged on judicial review. On the whole, the decision comes as a welcome confirmation of the deference that courts will show to regulators when they enact by-laws in the bona fide exercise of their authority.
Proposed Changes to Ontario’s Health Privacy Laws – Updated
What Do These Changes Mean for Regulators? On September 16, 2015, Bill 119 (the “Bill”) was introduced by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care into the Ontario legislative assembly […]
Proposed Changes to Ontario’s Health Privacy Laws
Proposed Changes to Ontario’s Health Privacy Laws – What do they mean for Regulators?
Workplace Violence & Harassment Under Bill 168: A 5-Year Review
It has now been just over five years since Bill 168, now known as Part III.0.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario) ( “OHSA” or the “Act”), amended […]
Regulatory Colleges Respond to Health Privacy Breaches
Breaches of Health Privacy: Role of Professional Regulatory Colleges
Regulatory Colleges Respond to Health Privacy Breaches – WeirFoulds LLP
Breaches of Health Privacy: Role of Professional Regulatory Colleges
The ICRC’s Power to Order an Independent Medical Examination: The Ontario Divisional Court’s Decision in Iacovelli v. College of Nurses of Ontario
The recent Divisional Court decision of Iacovelli v. College of Nurses of Ontario1 discusses the significant power of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“ICRC”) of a health regulatory College to order an independent medical examination.