WeirFoulds partner Raj Anand wrote an essay for the International Commission of Jurists’ Canada (ICJC) book, Canada and the Rule of Law: 150 Years after Confederation / Le Canada et la primauté du droit: 150 ans après la Confédération.
For the publication, Raj contributed one of 35 essays by Jurists across Canada in recognition of the 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation.
The book was launched on June 10, as part of the Realizing Rights 2017: Human Rights and Constitutionalism Conference. Raj, along with 13 other contributors participated in a discussion that was chaired by ICJC Executive Director Janine Lespérance.
ICJ Canada is the Canadian branch of the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists. They have been promoting the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the judiciary in Canada and around the world since 1958. They are an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan organization, and a registered Canadian charity.
A copy of the book can be purchased by donating to ICJ Canada, or by joining as a 2017 member
To learn more, please click here.