In WeirFoulds’ Summer 2009 Property Update, we reported that the City of Toronto was in the process of harmonizing the 43 different zoning by-laws inherited from its pre-amalgamation municipalities into a single comprehensive zoning by-law. The City has now completed its community consultation process for the comprehensive draft zoning by-law. The results of that process were reported to the Planning and Growth Committee of City Council on November 4, 2009.
The community consultation process included significant feedback from concerned stakeholders and the general public. As a result, City Staff are preparing a revised draft zoning by-law to respond to some of the feedback. This updated draft by-law is to be presented to the Planning and Growth Committee on February 11, 2010, at which time a date for an open house and subsequent public meeting will be confirmed. The open house will give members of the public an opportunity to ask questions about the final draft zoning by-law before preparing formal submissions to be addressed at the public meeting.
The current version of the draft zoning by-law includes a number of new standards and regulations which may have a significant impact on the development potential and value of many parcels of land throughout the City. Accordingly, it is essential for property owners to be aware of how the draft zoning by-law might affect their individual properties, so that potential concerns can be raised with the City before the zoning by-law is finalized and in effect. Concerns should be raised on timely basis so that the City has a reasonable opportunity to address the large volume of anticipated issues before the draft zoning by-law is presented to City Council for adoption.
WeirFoulds can advise you on how the City’s new comprehensive zoning by-law will affect your property, both now and in connection with any future development plans or proposals you might have.