WeirFoulds welcomes six new associates

WeirFoulds is pleased to welcome back five of our former articling students as associates and welcome one new associate to the firm.

They join WeirFoulds in the following practice groups:

Claire Davis – Corporate Law

Claire’s practice is focused on corporate and securities law. Prior to joining the firm as a lawyer, Claire completed her summer and articling work terms at WeirFoulds where she gained extensive experience with securities regulation and capital markets transactions.

James De Melo – Construction Law

James’ practice is focused on a variety of issues within the construction industry including liens, negligence, delay, and breach of contract claims, as well as providing strategic assistance with the drafting and review of contracts. During his summer and articling work terms at the firm he assisted with the representation of owners, developers, subcontractors, design professionals, and general contractors in a wide variety of disputes.

Chantal deSereville – Municipal Law

Chantal’s practice focuses on land development approvals and appeals, planning policy matters, and various litigation involving municipal, environmental, administrative and constitutional law issues. Chantal also represents both public and private sector clients in provincial offences proceedings.

Wendes Keung – Technology/Intellectual Property & Regulatory Law

Wendes’ practice is focused on information technology, intellectual property, privacy, and regulatory law. Wendes provides practical solutions and actionable advice to clients ranging from technology companies to not-for-profit organizations and institutions on a variety of corporate/commercial, technology, and privacy matters. Her practice includes advising on complex services engagements, privacy and security issues, corporate governance, risk management, strategic partnerships, and software licensing.

Max Skrow – Commercial Litigation & Employment Law

Max’s practice is focused on a broad range of commercial disputes and employment law issues. Prior to joining WeirFoulds as an associate, Max completed his summer and articling terms at the firm, gaining extensive experience resolving complex disputes and advising on various employment law issues. Max has contributed to trials and appeals in various Ontario courts and tribunals.

Agatha Suszek – Commercial Litigation

Agatha’s practice is focused on a broad range of contract and corporate governance disputes as well as civil litigation, employment, privacy, and freedom of information matters. Prior to joining WeirFoulds as an associate, Agatha completed her summer and articling terms at the firm, gaining extensive experience in diverse areas of litigation.

At WeirFoulds we look to hire the future of our firm and lawyers who can provide the highest level of service to our clients. We are excited to welcome each of them to take the next step in their legal careers.

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