The continuing saga in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation: a lesson in security for costs and the enforcement of foreign judgments

The judicial history in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation spans several jurisdictions and dates back to the early 1990s, while the facts underlying the dispute date back to the 1960s. The matter has reached appeal courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, and has prompted a review of several issues relevant to the conduct of business internationally, including the enforcement of foreign judgments and piercing the corporate veil.

WeirFoulds welcomes new associates

WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that four new associates have joined the firm. Welcome to Shawn English, Adrian Howard, Aashima Singh and Jordan Stone. Shawn, Adrian and Aashima join the […]

Crisis and Social Media

Whenever there is a significant public crisis such as Hurricane Harvey, people turn to the social web, usually Twitter, to gather news, offer help, express irritation, and berate public agencies or […]