Pumping the Brakes: New Regulations Aim to Limit the Impact of Short-Term Rentals in Toronto

The rise of the “sharing economy” has spawned many new industries, but perhaps one of the most prominent (together with ride sharing) has been the explosion in “vacation rental by owner” services, led most prominently in Canada by Airbnb. These short-term rental platforms operate worldwide, generally without regulation. The City of Toronto (the “City”), however, is seeking to change this trend. On June 12, the City’s Municipal Licensing and Standards division released a number of proposed regulations that could seriously impact the short-term rental market in Toronto. These regulations aim to increase the availability of permanent affordable rental housing by curbing the number of short-term rentals available, especially in the downtown core.

Rule of Law and the Ethical Lawyer

ICJC members are often required to distill everyday questions of law and practice through a prism of rule of law. We ask ourselves: would the proposed solution or decision advance or harm the rule of law in this country?

Bill 139, Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017

On May 30, 2017, Bill 139 passed first reading. Bill 139 would, among other things, continue the Ontario Municipal Board (“OMB”) under the new name “Local Planning Appeal Tribunal” (“LPAT” or “Tribunal”), and amend the Planning Act to revise the jurisdiction and authority which the OMB had previously exercised.

A Warning to Contractors and a Lesson for Regulators: Enforcement and Penalties Under the Consumer Protection Act

Virtually every regulator engages in some form of consumer protection. Concerns relating to false billing, misleading advertising, and the failure to deliver products and services can be found in nearly every regulatory statute. The vigour with which regulators seek the most serious remedies relating to these consumer protection issues is, however, quite variable. In some cases, the media has criticized regulators for not revoking a registrant’s registration when they have been found guilty of professional misconduct for false or misleading billings.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Law has New Teeth on July 1, 2017

On July 1, 2014, Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) became law. Since that date the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has been responsible for enforcing CASL regarding e-mails and other electronic messages, and many organizations have struggled to understand CASL and comply with it.

Protecting Patients Act, 2017 passed by the Government

On May 30, 2017, Bill 87, Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (the Act), was passed by the government. The Act amends the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (the RHPA) and five other health-related Acts. The Act […]